Moon emits it's own light? (Rig Veda 10.12.7 / Atharva veda 18.1.35 )
RigVeda 10.12.7/ Atharvaveda 18.1.35
Based on the above verses, the mleccha claimed that according to vedic shaastras, moon emits its own light. Despite the fact that the same Rigveda figuratively talks about moon emiting sun rays - अत्राह गोरमन्वत नाम त्वष्टुरपीच्यम् । इत्था चन्द्रमसो गृहे। (Rigveda 1.84.15) - The rays of Tvastr (Surya/Sun) are present in the moon. Similarly, Sayanacharya ji wrote figuratively in his commentary - उदकमये स्वच्छे चन्द्रबिम्बे सूर्यकिरणाः प्रतिफलन्ति । The moon's clear water reflects sun's rays.
Even Nirukta Chapter 2 states the same अथाप्यस्यैको रश्मिश्चंद्रमसं प्रति दीप्यते तदेतेनोपेक्षितव्यम् । आदित्यतोऽस्य दीप्तिर्भवति। Durgacharya ji wrote the same in his commentary - येयमस्य चन्द्रमसो दीप्तिः' ज्योत्स्ना इयमादित्यरश्म्यनुग्रहादेव आदित्याच्चन्द्रमसो दीप्तिः अस्य भवति । This brightness of the moon is by the grace of the sun.
I don't see how the above mentioned verse of the Vayu Purana has got anything to do with moonlight.
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