Debunking Purushamedha( purushmedha/ Naramedha ) or Human Sacrifice
Claims made by hinduphobes never come to an end. Here's another one
Rebuttal to the first one is quite simple. First verse has translation and interpretation issue.
The meaning of Naramedh/ Purushamedh is not the sacrifice of a human being, but the cremation of a person's body according to Vedic rituals. Training and organizing humans for good deeds is called Naramedh or Purushamedh or Nrumedh yajna. The real and absolute translation is as follows
On the second one, the reference is Yajurveda 30.1-22. But any reference of Yajurveda has three preferences i.e. Mandal/Adhyay . Sukta no. and Shlok no. So the reference will look like (1.3.4). If we take the reference of 30.1-22 literally, then it means sukta 1 to 22 and between those suktas, a lot of Shlokas lie. Thus we can't trace the real verse. Hence, the stupid hinduphobe atleast must give a proper reference and the context of the hymn. Even if that verse existed, the context of that hymn or the real translation could easily debunk it.
Same applies for the third claim,
Mahabharata has a three-fold reference system, of Parvs, Adhyays and shloks This one has only 2, and is thus is made up. Again the hinduphobe forgot to bring the real verse messed up.
Hence, debunked
Feel free to ask any doubt in the comment section
Vedic Veracity
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