Are women considered as inferiors? (Can women read vedas?


Here are few claims we have recently found

People often misinterpret our holy texts and put our religion in negative light which is completely ignorance. 
Our team had researched a lot and has come to the conclusion that all these claims are flaw full. So let's debunk them

1.For the first one which holds references from Agni Puran
We all know that chapter 152 of Agni Puran has only 5 verses.

God knows from where did the 9th verse come!
Hence, easily debunked

2. Second one with reference from Srimad Bhagvatam 

On this one, we would say that the person who claimed this is absolutely stupid.
This translation is absolutely wrong and denied by many scholars. Almost all authentic hindu website don't have this translation.
The real one is like this

"Out of compassion, the great sage thought it wise that this would enable men to achieve the ultimate goal of life. Thus he compiled the great historical narration called the Mahābhārata for women, laborers and friends of the twice-born."

Chat gpt translates the verse somewhat same

3. Third one with reference from Devi Bhagvatam 

The verse  as per the given source is 
 अनृतं साहसं माया मूर्खत्वमतिलोभता ।
अशौचं निर्दयत्वं च स्त्रीणां दोषाः स्वभावजाः 

According to the claim, Falsehood, vain boldness, stupidity etc are natural qualities.

But here the phrase स्त्रीणां दोषाः स्वभावजाः clearly means "स्त्रियों के स्वाभाविक दोष"
 i.e. natural character liabilities.
Character liabilities do differ with genders, for men its pride, jealousy, gluttony, misery, adultery.
Thus, the verse clearly states about liabilities which can be found in a women. These disqualifications shouldn't be possessed by her just like men shouldn't possess pride, jealousy, gluttony, misery and adultery.
The verse talks about qualities a woman shouldn't possess. There's nothing wrong in that.
Hence,it's the perspective through which you interpret the verse.

Feel free to ask your doubt in the comments.
Our team will always be excited to help the inquisitive people.
                                          Vedic veracity 


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