Did Lord Shiva consume marijuana (cannabis) ?

No , There is No Hindu Scripture which has acknowledged his fondness or addiction towards marijuana

Then why people think Lord Shiva Used to consume marijuana?

During the churning of the oceans(samundar Manthan), a powerful poison called Halahal emerged, posing a grave threat to all creation. In a selfless act, Shiva consumed the poison to protect the universe, resulting in his throat turning blue. To alleviate his suffering, Cannabis leaves were offered to him, marking the beginning of the enduring connection between Shiva and Cannabis.
It was offered as a medicine.
But people absolutely ignore the facts available and consume cannabis on the name of Shiva. They shouldn't forget that Shiva consumed Vish(Halahal poison) as well. If they want to imitate shiv, shouldn't they drink poison as well?
                                       vedic veracity 


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